Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My Recipe (Procedural writing)

 I am learning how to write about Procedural writing.

I enjoyed writing about the method.

What do you think Procedural writing means?


  1. Great instructions on how to make a banana cake. I can clearly see what ingredients/ equipment you need to make your cake. The method is written well however I think you need to pour the mixture into a cake tin before you put it in the oven. What do you think?

  2. This sounds like a delicious cake. Did you get to make it? I hope it tasted amazing. Now you have made me hungry for banana cake!! I think procedural writing means write about a procedure, something you make or do in steps.

    1. Hi,
      I didn't actually make the banana cake I just wrote the instructions.
      Do you like banana cake?

    2. Hi Mrs Dirrick,
      I actually do think I should put the mixture in a tin. Thank you for reminding me.

    3. Yes, I love banana cake. Delicious!
