Wednesday, March 31, 2021

filling in the time

 I am learning about the time.

I enjoyed filling in the lines. 

How much have you learned about the time?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

treasure island predicting

 I am learning how to predict.

I enjoyed drawing the pictures.

what does predicting mean?

Monday, March 29, 2021

Jasleen predicting reading

 I am learning how to predict.

I enjoyed answering the questions.

what does predicting mean?

Friday, March 26, 2021

how to look after your Chromebook

 I am learning how to make animations fast.

I enjoyed adding the pictures.

how many animations have you made?

Thursday, March 25, 2021

finding the meaning of new words

 I am learning how to use context clues.

I enjoyed writing the meaning of the words.

how do you figure out a meaning of a word?

Finding the meaning of new words- different strategies. 

Unknown Word

Context Meaning 

Root Word 


Meaning of the unknown word

E.g.  environmental toxicologist



Studying toxic stuff in the environment 


Something is spreading out and it is not good


Weird germs in things that you make like something slimy.


A group of people who that work together 


Something surprises you 


Like you know something and you think you're right about it  

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

the thief

 I am learning about context clues.

I enjoyed finding the words from the story.

what are context clues?






What do the words mean?

  1. Crouched means your bending down and doing something or looking at something.

  2. Strutted means your walking but you're walking like your marching. 

  3. Panted means your tired and your sweating 

  4. Admitted means you're agreeing to something or someone.

  5. Grinned means you're smiling but just a small smile.

What sentences can I make with these 5 words?

  1. Linda crouched down to get her pen.

  2. The soldiers strutted to their stations.

  3. Bob climbed up a big hill. When he got to the top he was panting and covered in sweat. 

  4. Sally admitted that she broke her mum's favourite photo frame. 

  5. Jack grinned at his teacher when she gave him his certificate.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

using context clues

 I am learning about context clues.

I enjoyed inserting the pictures in the slides.

What are context clues?

Friday, March 5, 2021

Thursday, March 4, 2021

My little book

 I am learning how to make a book.

I enjoyed looking at the video and making the book.

Do you know how to make a book?

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 I enjoyed drawing the dogosaurus.

What animal will you choose to go together?