Thursday, July 30, 2020

The healers Apprentice

We are learning how to predict.
I enjoyed predicting.
What story have you predicted?

Thursday, July 23, 2020

olden days

for reading we were learning how to make the slide for our activity and there was a book called olden days and we did an activity on it.
I enjoyed making my avatar.
what story have you been working on?

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


We are learning how to make poems that describe about seasons.
I enjoyed inserting the pictures and writing about the season.
What is your favourite season? and why do you like it?

Saturday, July 4, 2020

All about my animal

We are learning how to write things we know about like animals.
I enjoyed inserting the pictures and writing the facts about my animal.
What animal have you seen and what do you know about it?

Friday, July 3, 2020

blog profile all about me

Kia ora! My name is jasleen favourite food is pizza, my favourite movie is lion king and in my spare time I like to I like to paint or play with my barbie doll house. I think I am good at I am got at art and I love learning about I like learning how to sing. My goal for this year is My goal is blogging.

Blog Profile Writing Frame.     

Spy animation

We are learning how to make animations that describe that stories.
I enjoyed searching for images for my animation.
What is an animation that you have made and witch one is your favourite?

Hoiho animation

We are learning how to make animations that discribe about a story.
I enjoyed getting the photos to my animation.
What is a story you know about and can post it on your blog?